Research supervision
- 2011-present, officially appointed principal supervisor of 9 doctoral students, and co-supervisor of 2 doctoral students, and 1 graduated doctoral student
- 2011-present, supervisor of over 50 master’s theses
Teaching merits
- 36 years of teaching experience at the University (22 years), and upper level of primary schools
- 23.8.1998, Teachers’ pedagogical studies (60ECTS), University of Jyväskylä
- 2005–present, Teaching at University of Lapland’s programmes:
- Master’s Degree programme in Education,
- Adult education and Media Education,
- Master’s Degree programme in Primary Teacher Training,
- International Master Degree programme of Media Education,
- Media and Digital Technologies in Teaching and Learning; and Teachers’ Pedagogical Studies (60 ECTS)
- 2011–2015, Teaching at University of Helsinki: Degree Programme in Educational Sciences
- 2019–2021, International in-service teacher education (playful learning) in California and NY State, U.S.
Some other merits:
- 2018–present, opponent of 3 doctoral dissertations, University of Turku, University of Helsinki and University of Eastern Finland
- 2018–present, 8 doctoral dissertations pre-examinations, Universities of Turku, University of Oulu, University of Jyväskylä, University of Helsinki, University of Eastern of Finland
- 1.–15.10.2023, Visiting scholarship (on playful learning), University of Parma, Parma, Italy
- 12.–29.8.2022 Visiting scholarship Stanford University, AI in Learning project, CA, U.S.
- 12.2.2019, Visitor, Stanford University, H-Star, Prof. Keith Devlin, Palo Alto, CA, U.S.
- 24.4.–5.5.2010, Visitor, Stanford University, Palo Alto, California, U.S.